Pet Insurance and Bonfire Night | MoneySwot Guide

Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance & November 5th:

pet insurance and Bonfire Night – What is the connection?  In this MoneySwot guide we take a look to see what the relationship may be and how pet insurance can help on November 5th.

Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, is a much loved UK celebration that pays homage to the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Every November 5th, people come together to enjoy the festive atmosphere, by lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks. However, it’s important to remember that our furry friends may not share the same enthusiasm for this event.

Loud noises and bright flashes can terrify pets, leading to potential accidents or distress. Protecting your beloved companion and your wallet is crucial, so considering pet insurance for Bonfire Night is a wise decision.

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How does Bonfire Night impact pets?

Pets have heightened senses compared to humans, making fireworks seem threatening to them. According to the RSPCA, “45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs of distress during firework displays”.

Recognizing the signs of anxiety in pets is essential, such as hiding, shaking, panting, barking, or destructive behavior. It’s crucial to address their stress to prevent further health issues like heart disease, digestive problems, or skin conditions. Additionally, the risk of pets attempting to escape in fear can lead to accidents or injuries, including getting lost, being hit by a car, or encountering other animals.

Ensure the safety and well-being of your furry companions this Bonfire Night by taking necessary precautions and considering pet insurance.

Pet insurance: How it helps and why you need it

Discover the benefits of pet insurance, by reviewing policies on as a valuable coverage that takes care of your furry friend’s medical expenses when they fall ill or get injured. Not only does pet insurance cover veterinary bills, but it can also provide protection against theft, loss, liability, and burial expenses.

During bonfire night, pet insurance can be a true lifesaver, offering financial support for any injury or illness caused by fireworks. If your dog gets hit by a car while fleeing, pet insurance can cover the costs of surgery, medication, hospitalization, and rehabilitation. Similarly, if your cat suffers burns from a firework accident, pet insurance can help with wound care, pain relief, and antibiotics. Even if your rabbit stops eating due to stress, pet insurance can cover the costs of feeding tubes, fluids, and critical care.


Pet Insurance

You could pay from £2.82 per month*

*Price per month for cover based on a cat, Maggie, aged 6, no known medical conditions,
neutered, up to date vaccinations and microchipped. Based on quote data provided by
Seopa Ltd during June 2023. The quote price you could achieve is dependent on your
individual circumstances

However, pet insurance is not only useful during emergencies. It also provides preventive care and advice to ensure a safe bonfire night and beyond. Many pet insurance policies offer discounts on vaccinations, microchipping, neutering, dental care, and behavioral therapy. These services play a crucial role in keeping your pet healthy and secure. Vaccinations protect them from diseases, microchipping aids in finding lost pets, neutering reduces roaming and fighting tendencies, dental care prevents oral infections, and behavioral therapy helps pets cope with anxiety and fear.

Don’t wait until it’s too late! Invest in pet insurance and give your beloved pet the protection they deserve.

How to choose the best pet insurance for bonfire night?

There are many factors to consider when choosing the best pet insurance for bonfire night. Some of them are:

The type of pet you have:

Different pets have different needs and risks on bonfire night. For example, dogs are more likely to be scared by fireworks than cats. Rabbits are more prone to stress-related illnesses than hamsters. Birds are more sensitive to smoke than reptiles. Therefore, you need to choose a policy that covers the specific needs and risks of your pet.

The level of cover you want:

Pet insurance policies vary in terms of what they cover and how much they pay out. Generally, there are three levels of cover: accident only, time limited, and lifetime. Accident only policies only cover injuries caused by accidents, such as firework burns or car accidents. Time limited policies cover both accidents and illnesses for a fixed period of time, usually 12 months. Lifetime policies cover both accidents and illnesses for the entire life of your pet, as long as you renew the policy every year. The level of cover you want depends on how much protection you want for your pet and how much you can afford to pay.

The exclusions and limitations of the policy:

Pet insurance policies may have certain exclusions and limitations that affect what they cover and how much they pay out. For example:

Some policies may not cover pre-existing conditions or hereditary diseases that your pet has before you buy the policy.

Some policies may not cover behavioural problems or anxiety-related issues that your pet has due to fireworks.

Some policies may have a maximum amount that they will pay out per year, per condition, or per claim.

Some policies may have a deductible or excess that you have to pay before they start paying out.

Some policies may have a waiting period or a no-claim period that you have to wait before you can make a claim.

You need to read the terms and conditions of the policy carefully and make sure you understand what is covered and what is not.


Bonfire night can be a stressful and dangerous time for pets, as they can be scared by the loud noises and bright flashes of fireworks. This can lead to health problems, injuries, or even loss of your pet.

Pet insurance can help you protect your pet and your wallet on bonfire night, by covering the medical expenses of your pet in case of illness or injury. Pet insurance can also help you prevent some of the risks associated with bonfire night by providing access to preventive care and advice.

However, not all pet insurance policies are the same, so compare Pet Insurance at and ensure that  you choose the best one for your pet and your budget. You need to consider the type of pet you have, the level of cover you want, and the exclusions and limitations of the policy. By doing so, you can enjoy bonfire night with peace of mind, knowing that your pet is safe and insured.

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– Covers the medical expenses of your pet in case of illness or injury due to fireworks

– Provides access to preventive care and advice

– Reduces the financial stress and worry of vet bills

– Increases the chances of finding your pet if they get lost


May not cover pre-existing conditions or hereditary diseases

– May not cover behavioural problems or anxiety-related issues

– May have a maximum payout limit or a deductible

– May have a waiting period or a no-claim period


– Can save money in the long run by avoiding costly treatments 

– Can improve the quality of life and well-being of your pet 

– Can increase the bond and trust between you and your pet 

– Can support animal welfare organisations and charities


Fireworks can cause serious health problems, injuries, or even death for your pet

Fireworks can cause stress and fear for your pet

Fireworks can damage the environment and wildlife

Fireworks can disturb other people and pets in the neighbourhood


Does pet insurance cover injuries or incidents that occur on Bonfire Night?

Yes, most pet insurance policies should cover injuries or incidents that occur on Bonfire Night, provided that you have taken reasonable precautions to protect your pet. However, it’s always best to check your specific policy or contact your insurance provider for clarification

There are several steps you can take to protect your pet during Bonfire Night:

Keep your pets indoors: Loud noises from fireworks can be very stressful for animals.

Provide a safe space: Make sure your pet has a quiet, comfortable place to hide if they want to.

Distract them: Playing soft music or turning on the TV can help mask the noise of fireworks.

Consult with your vet: If your pet has severe anxiety, your vet may be able to recommend medications or techniques to help keep them calm

This depends on your insurance provider and the terms of your policy. Some providers may increase your premium after a claim, while others may not. It’s best to check with your provider to understand how claims will affect your future premiums

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